
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2020

My future job

But I would definitely look for something related to heritage and architecture, maybe doing restorations, reactivating places and opening them up to the community. I imagine him visiting different places, investigating history, talking to the community so that architecturally, the heritage is preserved. I think that should be the most fun thing about work, meeting people, talking to them and helping them, because I think architecture is very focused on large modern buildings that contribute little to rural communities, so I hope to put all of myself into it. I think it must be very tiring and time consuming work, but I think that as long as you like something, it doesn't matter much. I think that for this job teamwork is very necessary, so I hope to meet great people who have the same vision of respecting and preserving the customs and identity of our society. As for the salary, I have not thought about it much, but I hope to receive enough to live in a good way. To ach

My best holidays ever

Within my vacation memories, I think the best I had were in Arica, in February 2019.  It was the first time that I traveled to the north of Chile with my family, I was very excited. Although at first the humid climate bothered me a bit since I felt like I was drowning hahah but as the weeks went by I got used to it.  There we were walk through the city at night that had a lot of life, which I loved. We also visited Las Cuevas de Anzota, an archaeological site on the seashore that was very impressive. We also went to Perú, and it was very chaotic haha ​​it was difficult to get used to the time change and how fast people were walking. I think the best of my vacations were the milkshakes of mango, that they made in Arica and also the carnival that took place where many dance groups showed Andean dances, it was really beautiful. I hope to return one day to repeat the experience.                                                                              Cuevas de Anzota, Arica